Legends of Norrath
"You have influence if there are 4 or more total levels on all your abilities."
Вы получите Influence (влияние), если имеете более 4-х очков из общего количества ваших текущих карт-способностей.
Например, 3 карты способности второго уровня, в вашей руке, в общей сумме дают 6 очков, значит у вас будет Influence...
Категории раздела
Whenever this unit begins defending, ready it.
You can play your card that has the Hidden keyword as a combat action when your avatar is a combatant.
Your unit that has a Guardian keyword can't begin or join a raid.
Whenever you play another card, your card that have a Frenzy keyword gets +1 attack until the end of the turn.
At the start of a raid game, you may play one card that has this keyword from your deck at no cost.
The faction of a card that has the Attuned keyword changes to match the faction of its owner's avatar.
Your unit that has this keyword can't be moved.
Creates an additional level token if you have the most units at the quest where you apply the ability - part of an overall theme encouraging decks that mix card types.
Whenever your unit that has the Protector keyword is ready and your opponent applies an ability at the same quest, that ability creates one less level token.
Whenever combat is about to begin involving a friendly unit at a different quest, if your unit with Reinforce ready, you may move it to that quest.
When you play a card that has this keyword, you may ready a unit.
Whenever an opposing unit is played at the same quest, your unit with Sentinel gets +2 defense until the and of the turn.
Whenever an opponent attempts a quest where you have a unit that has this keyword, put a vigilance token on that unit. Each unit that has this keyword tells you in its game text how to use its vigilance tokens.
When your combatant has a Rune and is dealt damage, the rune takes damage firs. Each Rune has a rating for how much damage it can absorb. Runes are removed when combat ends.
Linking one card to another allows for an ongoing effect that lasts until either card leaves play.
When you search your deck for a card, reveal it, and then shuffle your deck.
This unit can't be affected by other cards.
You can't play another unit card with the same title as your unit card that has the Legend keyword.
Whenever you play this card, put (..2..3) charge on it. At the and of your turn, remove a charge token from this card.
When you play this item, choose primary or secondary restriction. This item gets that restriction.
Whenever you win a combat involving this unit, place a level token at it's quest.
At the end of your turn, if there are 2 or fewer tokens of this card, you may discard a card. If you do, put a token on this card.
Opposite Faction
Light and shadow are opposite factions. Neutral has no opposite.
You have influence if there are 4 or more total levels on all your abilities.
Whenever a marked card takes any amount of damage, deal 1 additional damage to it. Marks are removed when combat ends.
When a card shifts, it becomes the named card. It remains this way if it leaves to play.
This card costs -1 power to play if your avatar has won a combat this turn.
This unit can't leave play unless it has 0 heals.
An invulnerable takes no damage.
Whenever your opponet applies an ability to a quest where you have one or more units with blockade, that ability creates one less level token.
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