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  • Legends of Norrath
    "Whenever you play this card, put (..2..3) charge on it. At the and of your turn, remove a charge token from this card."

    Всякий раз, когда вы играете такой картой, она заряжена на столько, сколько указанно (..2..3). В конце каждого хода карта теряет один заряд. Как только карта останется без зарядов, она или получит обещанный эффект или потеряет - зависит от карты.
    Категории раздела
    Lookout [1]
    Whenever this unit begins defending, ready it.
    Hidden [8]
    You can play your card that has the Hidden keyword as a combat action when your avatar is a combatant.
    Guardian [2]
    Your unit that has a Guardian keyword can't begin or join a raid.
    Frenzy [1]
    Whenever you play another card, your card that have a Frenzy keyword gets +1 attack until the end of the turn.
    Fabled [0]
    At the start of a raid game, you may play one card that has this keyword from your deck at no cost.
    Attuned [0]
    The faction of a card that has the Attuned keyword changes to match the faction of its owner's avatar.
    Immobile [1]
    Your unit that has this keyword can't be moved.
    Overwhelm [0]
    Creates an additional level token if you have the most units at the quest where you apply the ability - part of an overall theme encouraging decks that mix card types.
    Protector [1]
    Whenever your unit that has the Protector keyword is ready and your opponent applies an ability at the same quest, that ability creates one less level token.
    Reinforce [3]
    Whenever combat is about to begin involving a friendly unit at a different quest, if your unit with Reinforce ready, you may move it to that quest.
    Restore [0]
    When you play a card that has this keyword, you may ready a unit.
    Sentinel [1]
    Whenever an opposing unit is played at the same quest, your unit with Sentinel gets +2 defense until the and of the turn.
    Vigilant [0]
    Whenever an opponent attempts a quest where you have a unit that has this keyword, put a vigilance token on that unit. Each unit that has this keyword tells you in its game text how to use its vigilance tokens.
    Rune [5]
    When your combatant has a Rune and is dealt damage, the rune takes damage firs. Each Rune has a rating for how much damage it can absorb. Runes are removed when combat ends.
    Link [1]
    Linking one card to another allows for an ongoing effect that lasts until either card leaves play.
    Search [5]
    When you search your deck for a card, reveal it, and then shuffle your deck.
    Spectral [1]
    This unit can't be affected by other cards.
    Legend [16]
    You can't play another unit card with the same title as your unit card that has the Legend keyword.
    Charge [6]
    Whenever you play this card, put (..2..3) charge on it. At the and of your turn, remove a charge token from this card.
    One-Hand [1]
    When you play this item, choose primary or secondary restriction. This item gets that restriction.
    Adventurer [3]
    Whenever you win a combat involving this unit, place a level token at it's quest.
    Tithe [1]
    At the end of your turn, if there are 2 or fewer tokens of this card, you may discard a card. If you do, put a token on this card.
    Opposite Faction [0]
    Light and shadow are opposite factions. Neutral has no opposite.
    Influence [7]
    You have influence if there are 4 or more total levels on all your abilities.
    Mark [0]
    Whenever a marked card takes any amount of damage, deal 1 additional damage to it. Marks are removed when combat ends.
    Shift [0]
    When a card shifts, it becomes the named card. It remains this way if it leaves to play.
    Conquest [2]
    This card costs -1 power to play if your avatar has won a combat this turn.
    Durable [0]
    This unit can't leave play unless it has 0 heals.
    Invulnerable [0]
    An invulnerable takes no damage.
    Blockade [0]
    Whenever your opponet applies an ability to a quest where you have one or more units with blockade, that ability creates one less level token.

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    Были сегодня:
    Главная » Карты с особенностями » Charge

    В разделе материалов: 6
    Показано материалов: 1-6

    Сортировать по: Дате · Названию · Рейтингу · Комментариям · Просмотрам
    Автор: Mistica | Дата: 21.02.2011
    Тип карты: Items
    ID: 4U104
    Архетип: Scout
    Особенность: Charge2 
    Фракция: Shadow
    Подробности: Armor Chest Stealth 

    EN: While there are no charge tokens on this item, your avatar gets +1 damage bonus.

    RU: Когда этот предмет останется без зарядов, ваш Аватар получит +1 к бонусу повреждения.

    Просмотров:1063 | Комментариев: 0 | Подробнее...| Рейтинг карты

    Автор: Mistica | Дата: 03.06.2009
    Тип карты: Unit
    ID: 4M19
    Рейд зона: Chel'Drak
    Архетип: Generic
    Особенность: Charge 1 Spectral Legend: Codex Guardian
    Фракция: Neutral

    EN: This unit loses spectral while it's the turn of a player who has a Scout avatar. Exert this unit ››› Deal 15 damage to an avatar. You may do this only if there are no charge tokens on this unit.

    RU: Этот юнит теряет особенность Spectral, пока идет ход игрока имеющего Scout-Аватара. Когда этот юнит останется без зарядов, используйте его, нанесите 15 единиц урона Аватару.

    Просмотров:1992 | Комментариев: 0 | Подробнее...| Рейтинг карты

    Автор: Mistica | Дата: 03.06.2009
    Тип карты: Unit
    ID: 4C203
    Архетип: Generic
    Особенность: Charge 2 
    Раса: Elf
    Фракция: Shadow

    EN: While there are no charge tokens on this unit, it gets +3 health.

    RU: Когда у этого юнита закончатся заряды, он получит +3 к здоровью.

    Просмотров:1491 | Комментариев: 0 | Подробнее...| Рейтинг карты

    Автор: Mistica | Дата: 03.06.2009
    Тип карты: Unit
    ID: 4C197
    Архетип: Generic
    Особенность: Charge 2 
    Раса: Elf
    Фракция: Shadow

    EN: While there are no charge tokens on this unit, it gets +1 damage bonus.

    RU: Когда у этого юнита не остается зарядов, он получает +1 к бонусу повреждения.

    Просмотров:1306 | Комментариев: 0 | Подробнее...| Рейтинг карты

    Автор: Mistica | Дата: 19.05.2009
    Тип карты: Item
    ID: 4U108
    Архетип: Scout
    Особенность: Charge 2
    Фракция: Light
    Подробности: Armor Stealth Wrist

    EN: While there are any charge tokens on this item, all your stealth abilities cost -1 power to play.

    RU: Пока эта карта имеет хоть один заряд, то все ваши Stealth-карты способностей, будут стоить на 1 энергию меньше.

    Просмотров:1579 | Комментариев: 0 | Подробнее...| Рейтинг карты

    Автор: Mistica | Дата: 19.05.2009
    Тип карты: Item
    ID: 4C43
    Архетип: Mage
    Особенность: Charge 3
    Фракция: Neutral
    Подробности: Armor Head

    EN: While there are any charge tokens on this item, your avatar gets +1 damage bonus.

    RU: Пока эта карта имеет хоть один заряд, ваш Аватар получает +1 к бонусу повреждения.

    Просмотров:1376 | Комментариев: 0 | Подробнее...| Рейтинг карты




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